Time: Friday 5.00 – 7.00 pm
Venue: Trinity College (Sutro Room), University of Oxford
Convenor: Efthymios Rizos
Week 1 (28 April)
Conrad Leyser (Worcester College)
Through the Eyes of Two Deacons: Church Property, Clerical Office, and the Cults of Stephen and Laurence in Fifth-Century Rome
Week 3 (12 May)
Gesa Schenke (Oxford)
Invoking Martyrs for Justice, Expecting Healing through Saints: a Glimpse into the Early Realities of Cult through Greek and Coptic Documentary Evidence
Week 5 (26 May)
Aude Busine (Brussels)
Saints Basil and Basilissa at Ancyra
Week 7 (9 June)
Leslie Brubaker (Birmingham)
Mary at Daphni